Get to Know AppFolio Marketing Intern – Erinn Scotland

Last modified on December 14th, 2017

Today is my last day as a Marketing Intern for AppFolio in Santa Barbara. In a couple of weeks, I’ll be starting my senior year at the University of Oregon.

My first day here, I walked in nervous and overdressed. By the end of the day, I had put together my first spreadsheet (of many), figured out the casual-dress attire, and been introduced to a lot of friendly faces. By the end of the second week, I went on a Marketing Retreat: a day spent talking and sailing on the water, followed by a fierce Chopped-style cooking competition. The day was a valuable team bonding experience. By the end of the month? I knew I had landed an amazing internship.

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I spent my two months at AppFolio focusing on the marketing side of things. The AppFolio team took me under their wing, immersing me in the world of marketing. I was taught all types of marketing techniques, from SEO optimization to content creation, to organizing lunch meetings and everything in between. My breaks were happily spent in the office kitchen, which holds an endless (and dangerous) supply of Cheez-Its and bagels.

The work culture is incomparable to other offices I’ve been in: everyone is intelligent, approachable and genuine. Within my first week, the CEO stopped by my desk to introduce himself. It instantly made me happy to be working here. AppFolio succeeds in erasing the perception of “status” between departments, everyone collaborates and respects each other, and it is truly a fun place to work.

So, I’m leaving here today with only good memories. I’ll be walking out this door with a thicker portfolio, great connections, and new friendships. I also know a little bit more about resident screening and rental rates than I ever expected — and I couldn’t be happier.

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Thanks AppFolio!

—Erinn Scotland
Marketing Intern

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