Category: Accounting

AppFolio 1099’s for 2015 (Customer Webinar Recap)

Can you believe it is almost tax time again! To help you prepare we would like to invite you to…

Five Things Every Property Management Purchasing Team Should Know

Developing a formal product procurement policy is essential for property management teams. Clearly defined strategies and processes help you control…

Reconcile faster with Sync Transactions (Customer Webinar Recap)

Fast Easy Reconciliations! With AppFolio’s Sync Transactions feature you can link your bank accounts to AppFolio to enable fast, seamless bank reconciliations with a simple click of your mouse.

Help Your Single Family Home Investors Plan Their Reno for Increased ROI

This year homeowners building a new home are concentrating on efficiency and simplicity. As a property manager, you can help …

Is Your Business Ready for an Audit? (Webinar Recap)

Our very own accounting experts Stacy Holden and Adam Wells gave a value-packed presentation on how you can prepare your business for an audit. They broke it down step by step, complete with a list of reports you should be running regularly, and best practices for knowing your business inside and out.

Don’t Fear The Auditor: Audit-Proof Your Property Management Business in 3 Easy Steps

Audits can seem overwhelming. If you know what to expect and follow best practices, you can avoid a world of…

AppFolio 1099s (Customer Webinar Recap)

Can you believe it is almost tax time again?!

To help you prepare please watch our 1 hour overview of how to complete 1099’s in AppFolio.

Tackling the Top Four Expenses of Self-Managing Your Rental Property

Thinking about self-managing your rental property? Managing unavoidable expenses like taxes, maintenance, professional consultant fees and administrative costs, will set…

AppFolio End of Year Preparation (Customer Webinar Recap)

Hard to imagine the year will soon be coming to a close. To help you prepare for end of year…

Banking Secrets For Property Management Companies

Property management companies by nature handle large amounts of money from rental income and security deposits. Make sure your banking relationship is set up to properly and effectively manage those large sums. Here are three things to consider when reviewing your banking setup.